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Lower Elementary August 24-28: Team Building and More!

Jennifer Jakubecy

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

We have had a wonderful week in Lower Elementary! We began spelling lists and those children that are ready chose chapter books for silent reading at school. Word problems were the most popular daily math challenge for Galaxies and the Stars have established their rhythm with the daily math sheets to copy and complete. Both the Stars and Galaxies had a lesson to review the noun for grammar. The Stars reviewed the Geometric Solids and the Galaxies reviewed the Parts of the Circle. Ms. Kathleen resumed Mindfulness in the morning and also Sustainability class. We enjoyed our second week of Drama with Ms. Maya and Engineering with Mr. Ed. The Galaxies had Philosophy with Mr. Matt. We drew self portraits for our birthday calendar and they are adorable. This afternoon we had an outdoor Team Building exercise. The children were divided into three groups (chosen by myself to mix up those children who don't always interact) and challenged to invent a new playground game. Ms. Paula and I were prepared for chaos but then amazed by the amount of cooperation, creativity, leadership and excitement from all the groups. It was a really great activity and the children were using so many academic and social skills including compromise and conflict resolution. Each group was asked to choose a team captain, a team scribe, a game name, necessary equipment, location and number of players allowed. We ended up with "Team Lily", "Team Ice Cream Yum Yum" and "Team Baby Yoda". The demonstrations of the new games were really delightful! Please ask your child about this experience and share the feedback if you have time. We also finished our first read-aloud chapter book today, "The Chocolate Touch." Additionally, Ms. Paula and I have decided to make this the "Year of Botany" in Lower Elementary. We are requesting each child bring in a plastic clamshell (used for berries) and a plastic water or soda bottle (one liter or smaller). Please write your child's name using a Sharpie on the items. If you do not have these items (after all we are the DGS community and trying to minimize single use plastic), we will collect some extras and make sure your child has what they need to start Botany studies. The final feedback from the children today was they are happy but TIRED! Probably the sign of a busy and productive week! Have a peaceful weekend. Warmly, Ms Erin and Ms Paula.

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Paula Gross
Paula Gross
Aug 29, 2020

Love the photos, Miss Erin!

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