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Middle School Week In Review (12/6 - 12/10)

This week in middle school we continued learning about the Industrial Revolution. Students read informative articles and watched videos about the Industrial Revolution to help them understand how and why this major change happened, and specifically how Great Britain became the hub of major industrialization. Students worked in small group to complete a stations activity to learn more about important concepts like urbanization, child labor/labor rights, and wages.

To compliment our investigation of the Industrial Revolution, we also began a lesson for Charles Dicken's classic A Christmas Carol. Students began by considering this essential questions: How does our treatment of others reflect our own outlook on life? Next week we will read excerpts from A Christmas Carol and view the movie.

We have begun an introductory unit on the research process. Last Friday was International Human Rights Day. As a class, we constructed a definition for the phrase human rights, and learned more about the Declaration of Human Rights, established by the United Nations in 1948. We reflected on how human rights were neglected or protected during the Industrial Revolution and what issues exist today. Students began the research process by brainstorming an issue they would like to learn more about. They are now refining their topic and beginning to locate appropriate resources.

I was very proud of our middle schoolers and their conduct this weekend during our Kids Day Out event. It was a long day, but they were attentive, kind, and made sure every child there felt comfortable and had fun!

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