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MS Sci & Engineering 3/4/22

Happy Friday, y'all!

This week in middle school has been pretty well consumed with our preparations for Science Fair. PLEASE consider attending our event on DGS campus next Friday (3/11) beginning at 1:30. Our kids - not only in middle but in upper and lower elementary, as well - have worked SO hard in seeing the scientific method through and designing some great experiments. Thanks to ALL who have supported them in this effort!

We have projects on plant growth, the psychology of test-taking, the physics of cars in a wind-tunnel, and a comparison of how various glues hold up to incredible tension, just to name a FEW! Throughout next week, the kids will present their display boards and their findings to each other and ask each other challenging questions. If you're able to visit, we ask that you please do the same. Part of this project is about communicating our results and "defending" our conclusions using evidence.

This is just the start of a busy time of year! Besides the Science Fair, we of course have a Kids Day Out event on Friday in support of our middle schoolers' ELFT to Washington in just 16 days! The Literary Tea is also coming up on 3/17 at 5p at the Davidson Village Green. Coming up on the horizon with regard to curriculum, we will be jumping into the science of sound waves (and waves in general) which will culminate in a flute-building workshop with Native American flute-maker Hawk Hurst, as well as an engineering project in which the students design and build their own instruments.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a fantastic SPRING!!!

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