Greetings all!
I hope you had a wonderful break. It’s certainly exciting both to be resuming classes with the spring in full bloom AND for the end of a truly memorable year at DGS to be mere weeks away!
We’ve had a lot going on lately. I want to thank every student and every parent in our community for investing so much time and effort into this year’s Science Fair. While we participated differently in this endeavor this year, it was still an academically fulfilling and gratifying process. When it finally came, our in-school event was really wonderful to see. Sincere thanks to all who made it out to support, challenge, and encourage our students.
Our middle schoolers have also just completed a mini-unit on the principles of flight. This encompassed lift, pressure/Bernoulli, and airfoil design, and culminated in a fun paper airplane contest which featured some really creative approaches.
Next up, we will be jumping into a project which will potentially revisit some of the scientific principles we have previously explored and/or inspire students to research some totally new areas. In out “Superhero Project”, the students will be asked to select a scientific principle, theory, or assumption to “break” in such a way that it could lead to a super-power. We’re going to go into detail about these principles and the aspects of science they govern, but we’re also going to have fun developing heroes (or villains), crafting origin stories, and even designing sweet costumes. This is always one of my favorite projects, as it asks the students to follow their own interests, and they never fail to get creative with it.
Lastly, we’ve been collaborating with Mr. Matt in philosophy classes for some organized practice in debating the implications of modern scientific discovery. This has already yielded some fresh discussion, and I’m looking forward to our next session this week.
Thanks to Jacquelyn and Fallon for jumping into their second MasterClasses of the year (on basketball and flag football, respectively). We’ll look forward to hearing from Samantha this week!
Best wishes, and welcome back!