Greetings on this seemingly random Wednesday!
It’s always nice when you get to brag on your kids. As you know, the middle schoolers just wrapped up a very extended and extensive process in the form of the SCIENCE FAIR. We had a lovely DGS event, and then several of our students displayed and presented their projects at the NC Regional Fair at UNCC.
This year, TWO of our 8th grade students received special honors!
Olivia Connolly received a special award in the category of Earth and Environmental Science. In her Olivia project, Olivia created her own particulate strips to test air quality around Davidson. She used her macro-photography skills to determine the number and type of particulates found in and around town compared with our more wooded areas.
And Harrison Coffey was selected as just a handful of students among all the Junior and Senior participants for advancement to the State level far in Raleigh on 3/27. In his project, Harrison tested participants of diverse age ranges using a tone generator to determine whether humans can hear different frequencies more clearly in dark vs. light conditions.
Both students did an excellent job of communicating their methods, results, and conclusions, and both certainly deserved these commendations. So if you see Olivia or Harrison be sure to high five them! We are so proud of ALL of our students for the excellent work they did this year on the Science Fair!
