The elementary curriculum was developed as an integrated whole to serve the developmental needs of children from ages 6 to 11. The continuity from lower elementary to upper elementary allows the individual child to move through the various subject areas at the pace that is best for them, building confidence and genuine self-esteem. The division of the elementary into two stages, 6-9 year olds and 9-11 year olds is based on the students’ developmental needs as they move towards adolescents, and into our Middle School program. The work in the lower elementary is done with extensive Montessori materials allowing the children not only to experienced the depth and breadth of the curriculum, but also to become comfortable with their own learning styles. The overall goal of the Lower Elementary is to provide a prepared environment that meets the needs and tendencies of the child at this stage of their development

Characteristics of children ages 6 – 9:
The reasoning mind is very important.
For every answer the children have a question, “Why?”
The children have achieved a certain degree of independence and will continue to strive for more independence.
Exploration is important and often the child wants to go beyond the usual expectation for his age level.
The child often turns outward to the broader society and the world beyond herself.
Friends become increasingly important.
The child often becomes more adventurous and daring.
The children’s conscious becomes “keener”; they develop better ideas of right and wrong, and they often seem to have a better understanding of rules.
They can have enormous potential of intellect and power of imagination.