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Upper El, 11/16-11/20: Projects, Pizza, and a Puzzling Escape Room!

Jennifer Jakubecy

I hope your break was restful and restorative! Our next three weeks of school leading up to Winter Break are sure to fly! We will stay quite busy, working to complete our historical fiction reading and writing projects, learning about a new time period in Social Studies, continuing with our math curriculum, and enjoying another lunch bunch, class celebration, and walking field trip!

Last week, we wrapped our study of NC's Native Peoples and the class created beautiful projects depicting the way of life of the tribes they chose to study. Literature Circles had great meetings on Friday, and students enjoyed some engaging HF read alouds during Reading Workshop. We also finished The Graveyard Book as a class! Students worked hard to complete their planning and research for their historical fiction stories and they will begin working on their drafts this coming week. We are also looking forward to hearing back from our Maine pen-pals soon!

On Friday, Zimmer's family generously treated the class to pizza. Students crafted and had a blast working to complete a Thanksgiving-themed escape room. They already began discussing plans for their Winter Celebration in a few weeks.

Updated by the CDC on November 27th, here are the current recommendations regarding mask selection, wearing, and cleaning. The link has some helpful visuals for you to share with your child. Thanks for looking this over!

See below for more details and pictures from last week!

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