Those words have taken on a whole new meaning this year! It is the end of an era for me and an end of an era for Kindergarten. A time to look forward to so many new opportunities and a time to look back at so many beautiful experiences that make us the sum of who we are!
We finished up what we needed to this week and the next few half days will be mixed with a different kind of work and fun! The mindset is definitely on summer fun and I have been hearing details of many upcoming summer plans...sounds like a lot of fun!
We had a lot of fun this week exploring the digestive process of passing gas! We learned about animals that partake in this auspicious event and those that don't and why? We even made a graph of those that do, don't and those that we don't know if they do or not....a lot of laughs were had and a lot was learned!
Kindergarten loved their little field trip experience to Whits yesterday afternoon and they represented DGS in such a wonderful way, exhibiting beautiful manners! It was such a sweet way to bring the last few days to a close.
Everyone is supremely excited for the variety show tonight and what a sweet way to come together and celebrate everyone's talents! Graduation is next Thursday and that is also a lovely event, time to honor those moving on and appreciate the time we had together!
Ms. Kathleen will lead us in a poignant closing ceremony down in the woods on Thursday and she always manages to get it 'just right'. I will email you all some pictures of this week later this weekend since I can no longer attach them from my phone to this app.
See you later.
My best.