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Challenging Edges - the Upper Elementary Way

kathleen McIntyre

Upper Elementary began their adventure to Green River Preserve with 3 goals:

1. Have Fun

2. Challenge your edges. It is always “challenge by choice” at DGS - however, field trips give great opportunities for children to challenge their “edges” - that point of being uncomfortable when there is an inner yes, but fear and worry hold you back. We have all met and edge. And when we move past our edges into unknown territory by tapping into our inner strength and resolve, there is usually a plethora of positive feelings on the other side. We build resilience for the next time a challenge is faced. As you keep pushing through your edges - you can end up someplace wonderful. This is just what some upper elementary students did.

3. Support, cheer on, and love each other and those we encounter on our journey.

I'm proud to say that all the students met these three goals! The 2nd goal of challenging your edges is particularly powerful to witness. Each time I have the honor of witnessing one of our students meet an “edge” head-on and move past it, I wish everyone in this community could be part of and celebrate this moment. It is beautiful and moving at a deep level.

We had many of these moments during our Green River Preserve Adventure, but an “edge challenging” opportunity that required many of us to rise up and dig deep was the polar plunge. On the other side of the freezing water was exhilaration, a sense of pride, and comradery.

Each student challenging an edge is a celebration - and becomes part of them forever.


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