We have had such a lovely couple of weeks! Autumn officially arrived and we celebrated by collecting quartz from the creek and making a tower with them, then painting them. We went on a leaf hunt and made some very funny leaf creatures. We ended the week with a visit from kindergarten. They were so happy to come play in the creek with us!
This past week we have learned about owls. Did you know that baby owls sleep on their stomachs? We played a game called owls vs mice (it's a variation of sharks and minnows). We tried to make pinecone owls, but they just didn't stick together like i had hoped. We may have rainy afternoons next week so I'll see if a hot glue gun will do the trick. We met the tulip poplar tree and made a page for our binders. We ended the week by talking about the Catawba tribe and how they make such amazing pottery with clay from the bank of the catawba River. So we collected some clay from the creek and made pinch pots which we will paint next week.
I hope you have all had a chance to enjoy this beautiful October weekend! I'll see you on the playground!
