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Writer's pictureCollette

Reach for the sun!

After a chilly beginning our week turned into glorious sunshine. The children responded to this weather as we all did with pure joy!

We set up our classroom outdoors again and the children as always totally embraced it. It is wonderful to see them move freely between the spaces.

Some things to consider when we get weather like we did the past few days. Please consider sending your child to school with sunblock on and as the weather gets warmer, bug spray would also be a consideration. Please remember to apply these at home.

Some exciting news, Ms. Kathleen has secured a date for our annual field trip to Rocky Creek. Monday May 24th is the date for our trip. This will be a trip for children only due to covid restrictions. We will ask you to drop the children to Rocky Creek in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. This will be a full day for all of the children. This is such a beautiful field trip and while we are disappointed that parents will be unable to attend, we are so excited that we can still have this field trip. Ms. Kathleen, Ms. Judith, Ms. Belkis and myself will be with the children. More details to follow.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

The Primary Team

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