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Upper El (Mr. D): Science Fair!

Derek Henig

For the last couple of weeks, we've been hard at work preparing for our Science Fair, which was today! But, before we go into that, I want to tell you about Peace Circle time on Tuesday.

After lunch and recess, we used our Peace Circle time on Tuesday to enter what we called, Zen Mode. Ten to fiteen minutes of silently doing whatever. Some took the time to draw, Ms. Shannon taught some how to Zen Doodle, others colored, read, wrote, or even meditated. They were enjoying this time so much that I let it go an extra few minutes. This might become a new staple every once in a while to come back to center and take a mental break before starting our work in the afternoon.


All last week and into this week, students have been working hard at finalizing their Science Fair project. First, they wrote their reports. This is a great way to get all the information we want to put on our boards together, but it's also an important step for grasping the scientific method. Plus, it's another excellent opportunity to work on our grammar, punctuation, and explaining ourselves through writing. Each student worked through multiple drafts of their reports to get them just right.

Then, it was on to make our boards. I was out of class for a couple of days, and Ms. Shannon stepped in to help our group to the finish line! Thank you Ms. Shannon!! The boards came out great, and they spent the morning on Friday practicing presenting to each other.

And, wow! So many parents came out today to support our students and the whole school. It really means so much to these kids who have been working hard on these projects since December.

On that note, let me also say a big thank you to all the parents and friends who helped with experiments at home. We appreciate the support, and we hope it was fun!

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