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Upper El: Turning Over a New Leaf (10/5-10/9)

Jennifer Jakubecy

Our class had a fresh start with many things this week! New word study words, a new writing piece, a new read aloud book, and a new unit in Social Studies! We also prepared for our first round of literature circles. Students were excited to select spooky books (some super spooky, and others more humorous) to read during the month of October, and they've already begun discussing how they'd like their end-of-month celebration to go.

This past week, our class was also responsible for turning our chick eggs in the incubator-- four times a day! We're so excited to raise chickens at our school once again!

While our official Spanish classes with Ms. Adriana have been on hold, I've been putting my minor in Spanish to use, keeping vocabulary fresh with the class on Monday mornings. We continue to enjoy classmates' masterclass presentations on Mondays as well!

See below for more details from our week!

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