Did you know there are 7,000 species of amphibians in the world? Did you also know that the word 'amphibian' comes from a Greek word that means 'living two lives'. These are some of the interesting things we learned as we researched amphibians. Listening to the call of frogs and bullfrogs was also fun!
We are all super excited for the literary tea this evening! They have been counting down the days all week long. The children have picked mint for the mint tea as one of their works today. At the same time we are also getting ready for the spring production which will come very quickly after spring break!
Our trip to Fisher Farm next week will bring joy to our hearts. We have such fun on this trip, Ms. Kathleen leads us on a long walk through woods and meadow learning about all the different plants as we go. We find out what is medicinal and what is good for foraging and what should be left alone. We have lunch there, a little play time and we usually end in song. It is such a wonderful trip!
Next week we have an egg hunt planned (thank you to Juliette, Violet's mom for sending in eggs)! Kindergarten will make 'jello' eggs and no doubt a fun time will be had by all. Since this will be the last blog before spring break, I hope everyone has a most relaxing and fun time!
The Primary Team