This week we welcomed Fall and it definitely felt like it with the change in weather! We discussed the changes we are beginning to see in the trees. We learned that the 3 syllable word called chlorophyll is responsible for the color or lack thereof of green right now., The lack of chlorophyll lets us see the beautiful colors that have been hiding inside all along!
Our shelves are now more reflective of the Fall season also as we are involved in pumpkin tonging, pumpkin washing and checking to see if a pumpkin will sink or float? We experimented with various objects to see what sinks and what floats,
The question could also be asked of us? After not quite 6 weeks of school are we sinking or floating in Primary? The answer is most definitely we are floating! The children are settled and have learned so much already. We have a great group and Kindergarten began cooling this week! They made Apple Brown Betty yesterday afternoon and shared it this morning with the rest of Primary and it was delicious! They have completed their work on 'their place in space,', almost finished their unit on the solar system and are waiting for their layers of the earth to dry! We are definitely paddling our own canoe here at DGS and certainly not swimming against the tide. As always...a picture is worth a thousand words

Have a great weekend!
The Primary Team