It's been a very busy week. When I look around and see the level of work going on in the classroom it almost feels like January! Of course there is high excitement with the anticipation of the Halloween Party tonight and Halloween next week, not to mention picture day today and group pictures on Monday!
We had a loss this week in our little community. Cream Puff one of our chickens died of natural causes. The entire school was sad about this as Cream Puff has been with us for quite a few years. In usual DGS fashion we found a way to honor Cream Puff and to thank her for all she had given to us throughout the years. She is buried in the woods and the children have had an opportunity to go say goodbye to her. We read a book on circle yesterday called Lifetimes....the beautiful way to explain death to children. This book explains life cycles of everything in a very matter of fact way and it is the best book I have ever come across on this very sensitive subject. (Thank you to Ms. Heidi for sharing it with us).
As you know we have been learning about our bodies and have learned quite a bit about our skeletal system. We have learned that we count on our bones to hold us up (like a tent) and our skin to hold us together! We have also learned that between the 54 bones in our hands and wrists and the 52 bones in our feet and ankles that makes 106 bones........half the bones in our bodies. That was quite a shocker for everyone!!
This week we learned that muscles help our bones to move. We demonstrated with a rubber band to show how they stretch and shrink. We took a giant step and a baby step and learned that it takes 200 muscles to take a step no matter how large or small. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 42 to frown. We also keepp still for 30 seconds trying not to move a muscle and then discussed all the involuntary muscle action that goes on even when we don't move or when we sleep. We opened our hand and squeezed it tight one time per second for a whole minute!!! Boy did our hands hurt!!! We then talked about the fact that our heart beats like this all the time for our whole lifetime. As you may have gathered we are having fun with this!!!
Halloween songs are hanging in the air and on Monday we will have a scavenger hunt during recess for a Halloween treat, (thank you Juliette) As you know Tuesday the children can wear their costumes to school, please be aware that they will probably come home dirty and if there are any little attachments they may be left behind (it happens). The children will not be changing during the day, they wear their costume to school and keep it on for the day, please consider this when they are choosing their costume.
Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful Halloweekend! See y'all at the party this evening.

The Primary Team