The highlight of the week was the Kindergarten trip to Hearts on Fiber. The children really enjoyed this weaving experience and learned all about the history of weaving. We then continued our walk up to Mandolinos and had a most delicious lunch.
Unfortunately one of the many bugs that are coming to visit us daily caught up with me and so I was absent on Thursday and Friday. Thankfully Ms. Judith & Ms. Belkis remained healthy! Just a reminder if your child is not feeling well, please give them the gift of time to rest and recover at home. While they often seem fine at home, a day at school when you are not feeling well can be long and often cold since we spend a lot of time outside every day.
Lots of counting down this upcoming week as we continue to look forward to the holidays and hear about the elf on the shelf's daily escapades! We are continuing to learn about the different celebrations worldwide during this time of year and even discovered this week that tinsel was originally made with real silver.
I hope everyone stays well and look forward to a week of fun and anticipation through the most innocent eyes!

The Primary Team