The burst of growth that occurs in spring here in the Piedmont of North Carolina is fast and furious. Those first welcome February daffodils begin a sweet chatter, but a short month later we are surrounded by a symphony of dogwood whites, redbud purples, and cherry blossom pinks.
Inside the dome we've been seeing our own bursts of growth. The tiny seeds and cuttings we planted in February have transformed into market-worthy plants. Every class from Middle school to Kindergarten has had a hand in this growth. It's been a true community effort - seeds that UE planted may have been transplanted by LE. Kindergarten's mint cuttings may have been potted by Middle Schoolers. And now it's time to broaden the community - plants and healing balms are off to market! Come visit our DGS booth at the Davidson Farmer's market to appreciate the entrepreneurial pride and pizazz of your DGS children - Saturday, April 2, 9-noon (also May 7 & June 4).
While each class exercises their green thumbs every week this time of year, they also continue their individual units of study. Middle School has just a few more tweaks on their climate change memes and poems. Upper El had their first meeting with a group of Davidson College climate change activists, as well as a practice session with me (and a microphone) sharing their voices and feelings about this global topic. Recording with the college students is scheduled for next week!
Lower El had a mock farmers market practice session and we reviewed each and every plant they've nurtured - they are ready to inform and inspire the market-goers.
Kindergarteners enjoyed some "egg math" - evenly dividing the 30 (!) eggs our flock of hens laid this week, testing them, cleaning and boxing them up. We went on a flower hunt, and compared the details of violets to vinca to creeping Charlie flowers. Ask your Kindergartener which one is edible 😋
I hope you will enjoy some sweet pauses outside this weekend. Spring may be fast and furious, but that's all the more reason to pause. I recommend losing yourself in a flower. If you need any encouragement, just ask your child 😉
