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Lower Elementary September 14-18: As the seasons change!

Jennifer Jakubecy

We enjoyed another eventful week in Lower Elementary!

For history we learned the origin of the names of the days of the week and began our research for the "Fundamental Needs of Humans." In grammar, we reviewed the article, adverb and pronoun. For geometry, Galaxies studied the relationships between straight lines and Stars reviewed polygons. Many children are working on the cubing Bead Chains and Izzy completed the 1000 Golden Cube Chain for the first time this week! Math and language work continue on a daily basis. We continue our peer to peer reading outdoors and the children really enjoy this activity. The children also had many opportunities to work with our lovely geography puzzle maps.

For botany, the children began sprouting microgreens and hopefully these will be ready to take home next week. Ms. Paula did a lovely seed dissection today and reviewed the parts of the seed. Now the children are prepared to study monocots and dicots next week! We journeyed the seasons with Antonio Vivaldi in a music appreciation lesson. We had some amazing fungi pop up in the lower field and the bunnies have been busy digging a burrow. In Team Building today, we reviewed our first great lesson (The Coming of the Universe) and then did small group work to create a "Dance of the Elements." We discussed particles, start dust, black holes, atoms, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium and more. On the lower field, the new climbing web is awesome and we are working on our climbing skills!

Early in the week we enjoyed somewhat cooler weather and then endured a really rainy, mucky and humid Thursday. Please notice your child's clothing needs as the season changes. They require layers of clothing, extra sets of clothing and rain gear daily. Thank you for helping us manage this. They also all have new clear folders for taking work home from their cubbies. Please encourage them to return these folders to school for continued use.

Enjoy the weekend!

Ms. Erin and Ms. Paula

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