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MS Sci & Engineering 11/1


I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween, replete with all sorts of delectable goodies. Even if it was a little different this year.

In school, we have been leaning into our Toothpick Bridge Project. We have been learning more about compression and tension forces and how different geometric shapes and designs like arches, trusses, and cantilevers distribute them.

The students have been given plenty of toothpicks to work with and are encouraged to bring their own hot glue gun IF they have one. They have sketched out their designs and are in the process of construction. These projects are meant to be completed AT SCHOOL, although students are encouraged to bring their materials home if they find it necessary.

All students must complete a written reflection to accompany their initial design sketch and the bridge itself. We hope to wrap up the building this week and test the bridges for load and efficiency next week.

Our other main topic of focus has been the science fair. Students have formally “declared” their projects and are now moving into the research phase. They should collect 5 high quality sources (print or web) which relate to their project question by the end of next week.

Thanks to Andrew and Samantha for two very engaging masterclasses - one a look into the history of the guitar, and the other a discussion of what it's like to have held a bat mitzvah during the time of coronavirus!

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