This week we took some time to catch up with some of the ideas we’ve touched upon throughout the first month of school. After taking time to reflect on the problem-based challenge from last week, the class divided for a pair of week-long projects. Students who had yet to demonstrate all of the fundamentals of building and coding our Mindstorms robotic cars took time to go through that process at a pace appropriate to them. Students who have already had a year of the Lego robotics curriculum dove into an ELA/Science crossover, researching emergent anthropogenic climate threats and applying them to a piece of [realistic] dystopian fiction. Their results were truly terrific, and in some cases, downright terrifying.
To much disbelief, we also began the process leading up to our participation in the NC Region 6 Science Fair. Although the event does not take place until February, we set a basic timeline with deadlines for each step of the process to eliminate any potential surprises down the road. Their first task is to develop a “top 3” list of potential topics. These should include a question/purpose, independent and dependent variables, as well as a tentative/bare-bones hypothesis and procedure. This first step is due Tuesday 10/8.
Kudos to Fallon for teaching us all about her experience as a docent at the Carolina Raptor Center during Master Class this week!
Please note that we have no school next Monday and Tuesday, and I’ll be accompanying the MS on their trip to the NOC from Wed-Fri. As always, hit me up with any questions or concerns!
Thanks for a great week and enjoy the long weekend!