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Our Week In Review (10/14 - 10/18)

Writer's picture: Maya MontemurroMaya Montemurro

This week in Middle School we began our first Social Studies unit. We are studying the emergence of man, beginning with early hominids. We began with a study of unit specific vocabulary, with a special focus on the terms "threshold", "collective learning", and "evolution". Students learned physical and behavioral characteristics specific to extinct hominine genuses. We are using the site The Big History Project as one of our resources. It's a supercool website and I encourage you all to check it out!

In English Language Arts we are continuing our study of journalism. We learned about the acronym GAPS (genre, audience, purpose, style) and identified examples in mentor texts. Students have worked hard to meet our first Gateway deadline. I'm so proud of the work they are doing preparing our school newspaper. They are really engaging with the writing process, especially edit and revision and their hard work is paying off!

In our grade specific ELA sessions we have focused on writing a brief constructed response. Students are learning how to make a clear assertion about a text, find appropriate textual evidence, and provide clear and insightful commentary. Each grade level is using the novel their class read (The One and Only Ivan, Out of My Mind or A Night Divided) and focusing on a specific literary element.

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