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Primary Week of August 20th

Jennifer Jakubecy

First week completed! We began our week with an opening ceremony in which the whole school participated and Ms. Kathleen led us in conversation and activity all centered around DGS and what it means to's our community, how do we take care of it and each other? How do we include everyone and make sure everyone fee

ls safe and happy?

Our week continued with discussions on how to help each other, playground expectations and introductory grace and courtesy lessons. The peace rose was introduced to help with conflict resolution. Individual lessons were given to our new children and the returning students were eager to show the new students how things work in our classroom and continue with works they are familiar with.

Kindergarten students are excited to be the 'new leaders' and are settling into a full day schedule. They had so much fun this afternoon, we worked with the geometric solids; identifying them and then trying to recreate them with clay. New friendships are being formed and most of all we are doing our best to settle into a routine.

Next week we begin spanish, sustainability and music (all of which are led by Ms. Kathleen). Ms. Maya will lead the drama program and Ms. Jennifer will lead yoga. Kindergarten will also begin engineering led by Mr. Ed.

It is truly amazing to have only begun our year this week and to already see our new three year olds, taking out work and doing their best to complete it and return it to the shelf. The beauty of having a multi age classroom is that we have so many children who are already independent, eager to learn and are excellent role models for our new students.

The green bags came home today with some of their 'work', please empty their bag and return on Monday so they can bring them home again next Friday. Kindergarteners have portfolio's and their ongoing work will be shared at conferences.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Best regards. Collette

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