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Upper El (Ms. S & Mr. D): Pi and Lit Tea!

This week, we worked on our poems for Lit Tea on Thursday, prepared for a Pi Day celebration on Friday, and began our secret Art Auction project.

Monday was Pi Day, and students spent the morning learning all about the famous number. They read Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi, which creatively shared how to derive 3.14. Then, in the afternoon we talked about how we'd celebrate on Friday. With all sorts of pie! Plus, some other activities.

From there, our week was primarily focused on learning about response poetry, or inspiration poetry, and writing a response to a poem or song of their choice.

On Wednesday, students listened to a teacher read-aloud of the novel "Love That Dog" by Sharron Creech. This offered an example of response writing, as it was inspired by the poem "Love That Boy" by Walter Dean Myer. It's about a boy who doesn't believe he can write poetry and doesn't like it. He responds to poems in class, and the teacher translates his analyses into poetic form. Slowly, the boy realizes he's a poet... and he didn't know it ; ).

Also, on Wednesday, and into Thursday, we put final touches on our poems and used our time to practice, work on memorizing digits of pi for our Friday contest, and also make sure our Science Fair reports were printed and placed in portfolios.

Thursday morning, students explored the traditions and myths surrounding the celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Then, during the afternoon we made floral arrangments for the Lit Tea event. A special thank you to all who sent in flower clippings. In addition to those, students foraged for some more and then put together these amazing vases!

Thursday night on the green for Literary Tea was a great time, and it was amazing to watch our group perform and support each other in every way.

On Friday, we celebrated pi! With pizza pie and apple pie and other pie! Thank you to all who sent in delicious treats! We made pi-in-the-skyline-art. We had a contest for who could memorize the most digits of pi, and of course, I had to join in! Students also shared "hysterical" math jokes, and we joined in by providing our best fake laughter.

Our group, and the whole school, have also been engaged in additional drama rehearsals in preparation for the upcoming production of Seussical on April 7th. Hats off to Ms. Maya, who's doing a fantastic job getting the show ready! It sounds amazing!

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