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Upper El, Wk of Oct. 21

Jennifer Jakubecy

Students returned this week with so many wonderful stories from their overnight trip to Barrier Island. The seven of them seemed closer than ever before. It has been so wonderful to see our small group treating each other with kindness, and embracing one another as unique individuals.

Last week we enjoyed baking pumpkin bread, and this week we loved creating pumpkin slime! Students began carving their pumpkins on Friday. Next week's science will be Halloween-themed as well, but then we'll begin our next unit on Weather and Climate.

Each student worked so hard on their personal narrative. They proudly shared them at Carburritos on Friday. They toasted each other with specific acknowledgements, including "good job zooming in" and "we all met our deadline!"

We've been working hard on our class Variety Show performance as well. Your child knows how to find the YouTube video (with your guidance) at home, should they wish to practice outside of school. If your child will be doing an individual performance, please be sure to email Ms. Jennifer and CC Ms. Maya.

Check out this week's newsletter, with more specifics about our learning!

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