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Jennifer Jakubecy

Upper Elementary, Week of Sept. 9

Good Friday afternoon, families!

This morning, your children began their day with yoga, followed by writing and sharing “spooky stories” in honor of Friday the 13th. Apologies in advance if your child requests to stay up until 12:32 am tonight (technically tomorrow morning). It’s because we read this article in class: This Friday also included Drama with Ms. Maya, which students always look forward to.

Our attached newsletter will give you a glimpse into our past week together in Upper El. We had a wonderful week of learning and living! Students are especially excited to begin working on their Master Class presentations. They have selected their topic and signed up for a date to present. Read more about this project in our newsletter!

On Monday, we’re excited to meet Mr. Matt, who will be our new Philosophy teacher! Please see Jennifer’s email introducing him. Philosophy for our class will be from 1-1:45 on Mondays. Students will then have Engineering from 1:45-2:45 with Mr. Ed Monday afternoons.

Our next trip to the library was supposed to be on 9/23 but since it’s Picture Day, we’ll likely stay on campus. This means we probably won’t make it to the library for a few weeks, so please check the due dates on any books your child may have.

Thursday the 19th is our field trip to the Schiele Museum. We’ll depart at 9AM and will return in time for regular dismissal. More details are in the newsletter! Our next field trip will be in October when the class travels to Barrier Island for their overnight trip. Ms. Kathleen will be in touch soon with details!

We also hope that on the 19th, you’ll be able to join us for our first school social at 5:00 pm behind Summit.

Have a great weekend!

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