What a week of good fun! Even though Halloween's weather was not ideal, we managed to have a day of fun...Halloween stories and song with 'the witch riding her broom' was enjoyed by all! Our scavenger hunt took place on Tuesday instead and was a huge success. (Thanks to Violet's family for organizing it).
November arrived with beautiful weather and the colors of the leaves have us all in awe. The children enjoy raking, piling leaves, and jumping in.
We learned about seeds this week and the journeys they take and then cut open a pumpkin to see its seeds. We then made a bird feeder out of the halved pumpkin.
Kindergarten made pumpkin bread this week which was quite delicious. Thank you to everyone for continuing to send in baking and food preparation ingredients.
The art auction is finally here and we hope you enjoy the artwork the children have made for you! Unfortunately neither myself or Ms. Judith are well enough to attend but hope you have a great time. We are truly sorry to miss it!
Have a great weekend.
The Primary Team
