We had a great day on Sunday for our first work day/volunteer day of the school year. We accomplished so much together that, yet again, our campus has transformed overnight. The most obvious change is our newly installed 12-foot slide beside our stairs leading down to the dome. It’s been a massive hit at drop-off, pick-up, recess, and anytime a student needs to head on down for animal care. It’s even been a hit for the teachers, too… ok, maybe for me!
Together, as a community, we installed two slides, finished our fence by the soccer field (yes!), finished our new surf station, cleared ivy from trees, filled in a random hole (oh, the things we discover), fixed and finished our underground PVC “telephone,” filled potholes in our driveway, raised our giant hammocks so they can be more useable, problem solved some shifty rocks, and we got our Mega Slide to the 99% mark of completion (we’re so close!). Thanks to all of you, so much was accomplished in a few hours.
Besides all the projects we completed, my favorite part of the day was having so many of our students here to help. I hope it helps them feel closer to their school as they get to say, “I helped build that!”
Also, a big shout-out to our volunteers from Storyhill Church, who joined us for the day and gave us their time, sweat, and infectious positivity. It was very nice to have you all join us.
Thank you, everyone, for participating if you could, and for those who couldn’t make this day, we hope to see you at the next one.
All the best,
Derek / Mr. D
PS: If you have any pictures from the day, please share them with me, and I can add them to the blog here. Thank you!